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Relax, it's a photo of someone's feet about to get a pedicure.

1. 拼字遊戲的題目是:哪裡可以找到愛?

根本就是逼人拼出PENIS (陰莖) 啊。


2. 手指的位置恰到好處。

Perfectly positioned.

3. 只是影子而已啦!

It's just a shadow!

4. 不要想太多,這只是一張在修腳趾的照片。

Relax, it's a photo of someone's feet about to get a pedicure.

5. 屁屁蘑菇。

It's mushroom for goodness sakes!

6. 全世界最引人遐想的噴泉。

Most teased fountain in the world.

7. 時尚真的太難懂了。

That's fashion for you.

8. 報紙相疊後看起來怎麼就變得怪怪的了。

Just a bunch of newspapers.

9. 看了好久之後才發現這是一張鞋子廣告。

I was stuck on this photo for awhile but you have to remember that it involves shoes.

10. 「當你發現大地之母透露的比你想像的還要多的時候…」

TMI Mother Nature, TMI.

11. 這裡是公共場合啊!請自重!

Excuse me, this is a family restaurant.

12. 這座島嶼的形狀還真幽默。

Nope, it's an island.

13. 他只是在幫忙啦。

He's just lending a helping hand.

14. 從這張照片中我們學到了別在肉色車座椅的旁邊拍照…

Maybe you shouldn't pose with your legs next to beige car interior.

15. 垂落的… 腳。

Do your feet hang low..

16. 仙人掌真可愛。

What an interesting cactus.

17. 他的衣服簡直太興奮了!

Woah! Calm down there girl!

18. 好像有哪裡不太對勁。

Legs can be so deceiving.

19. 折紙技術的神技。

Origami taken to the next level.

20. 兒童讀物這樣好嗎?

Relax, it's a children's book.

21. 沒想到腳趾長得跟OO這麼像。

Foot for thought.

22. 永遠不能太早下定論。

Don't judge a book by it's cover.

23. 真是個正經又健康的腳踏車廣告啊。

What started off as an innocent bike demo...

24. 又是拇指惹的禍。

It's a thumb!

25. 兒童高爾夫也是可以色色的。

Look, it's the other half of a bone!

26. 這絕對不是你想像中的東西。

It's not what you think it is.

27. (戳)


28. 拉近後一切都變調了。

Get your mind out of the gutter!

29. 真是個性感的… 肩膀。

What a sexy... shoulder.

30. 就跟你說不要太早下定論了吼!

Please look twice before coming to your conclusions.

31. 我發誓這真的不是胸部。

Such a well placed arm grab.

32. 壞壞喔!

Naughty naughty.

33. 角度就是一切…

Don't be a pervert.

34. 「前方有三叉道」的標示牌。

但是3 WAY除了有三岔道的意思之外,也是3P的意思。
來源:Life Buzz
看到每張照片都想歪的人心靈被污染的等級很高喔~ (我也是) 快分享出去給朋友們看看吧!
